Thursday, July 24, 2008


i have had a horrible day. my grandmother has been driving me around to different stores to get her weekly stuff and it is getting old. very old. hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day than usual. oh! thats right! im going out with my friends tomorrow night to see a movie! whoo hoo!! and then saturday im going to my friend bethany's house for her b-day. i already got her present so........ now i dont have to go back to town!!!!!!!!!!!!! atleast for a while.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


it is me again! im bored out of my mind and cant think of anything else better to do than right on my blog!!!! so..... if you visit my blog, please leave a post because i would love to add you as a friend!!!!


hey! my names carmen and i have a very busy life that i would like to share with my viewers. please continue to check back on my page to see the happenings in my wonderful life!!!

this is really fun u need to try it

this is really fun u need to try it